12-Minute Survival Bag Part 1
How's this work? Simple. Grab what you think is the most important item and put it in your bag (any bag you have), then grab what you think is the next most important thing and continue doing that until your bag is full. These don't have to be ideal items. You can grab a lighter you have sitting around, an old pocket knife, etc.
Now you have a survival bag. Congratulations! Is it a good one? Probably not. You may have poor tools for the task, a poor bag choice, it might be too heavy, missing key components, etc. But you have one, and that counts for a lot. Once you actually have one, it can be easier to see what is missing and what doesn't work (which is often a very personal thing). From here, you can begin adding or replacing items piece by piece, or at this point decide that purchasing a pre-made kit is the way to go. Even so, in the meantime, you always have one ready to go.
The photo at the top is an example of one I put together. This took me about 12 minutes and I still have room for a little bit more. See this post for a detailed look at what is in my bag (and what isn’t but should be).