Kingdom of the Dinosaurs (2022) Survival Lesson
Survival Lesson: Controlling access points is survival 101. If you have 2 access points, you should never have both unsecured at the same time. Establish procedures for moving through access points (like always having two people present). If possible, have a way to survey the area outside of an access point.
Synopsis: World war breaks out somehow. Everyone dies somehow. Dinosaurs take over the world somehow. Survivors living in a bunker decide they'd rather be dinosaur food.
Rating: 1.5/10. This movie is bad. The acting is bad, the dialog is bad, the story is bad, the CGI is bad, the pacing is bad. Pretty much every decision made in the movie is dumb. Especially the guy who opens, and leaves open, both doors leading into the bunker. That would never happen. A close second is the lady who hides in an incinerator. Brilliant! I gave it a half point for the Jason Mamoa impersonator.
Partway through the movie, out of nowhere, they get a call on the radio by someone who is going to come rescue them, then the movie just ends. I think what happened, is that the movie was so bad that even the people making it couldn't take anymore.