Troll (2022) Survival Lesson
Survival Lesson: Avoid humans.
Synopsis: Humans stand around denying the reality of what is right in front of them, then decide to kill it and cheer for how good they are at destroying life.
Rating: 1/10: Objectively there is nothing really wrong with this movie deserving of such a low rating. The locations are great, it has a story that makes reasonable sense, has some decent acting, and I like the troll creature.
However, I hate this movie. I rarely hate movies. I think many movies are bad, but not worth hating. If you are like me and often find yourself rooting against the humans, you will not like this one either.
The whole premise of the movie is that trolls are real and not intentionally harmful or dangerous, but humans many centuries ago, in their great wisdom decide to wipe them out. All except for one who they lock away in a mountain. Flash to modern times, human activity wakes up (or frees) the last troll while digging a tunnel through the mountain. The troll emerges and starts to look for his family and of course, since humans suck, they attack the troll and try to kill him. They finally succeed when they lure it to an ambush site by strapping one of the Troll's dead kid's skulls to the back of a truck. It's disgustingly cruel. And if that's not enough, after it is dead, they stand there joking about what to name its corpse.